Anthelmintic resistance is a growing concern in the control of helminth infections in ruminant livestock worldwide.
This is the first of a series of three free presentations provided by the COMBAR (COMBatting Anthelmintic Resistance in ruminants) and Vetstream Vetacademy that will update on the current situation of anthelmintic resistance in sheep, cattle and goats in Europe, its driving factors and economic impact. It will cover the activities of the COST Action COMBAR and provide room to discuss with participants solution routes towards sustainable control approaches that preserve the efficacy of anthelmintic drugs.
Through joint collaboration COMBAR aims to pave the way towards a transnational, multi-actor initiative to achieve sustainable helminth control approaches and develop new solutions.
The first webinar “Anthelmintic Resistance in Ruminants: Challenges and Solutions”
will be held at 1 pm on June 30th. Registration can be made via this link
Mark Johnston (CEO of Vetstream) said: “We are delighted to partnering with the highly respected Johannes Charlier and COMBAR for this really important series. With Vetlexicon Bovis we are very focussed on providing point-of-care information about the veterinary care of cattle and other ruminants. The sustainable use of anthelmintics is an area of growing importance and it is important to stay up to date with current scientific insights”.

Johannes Charlier (Chair of COMBAR) added: “Over the last years, COMBAR has built a scientific network to exchange knowledge and practices to fight anthelmintic resistance and make helminth control sustainable. Now it is time to connect with veterinary practitioners across Europe to discuss how some novel insights, tools and practices can find an application on the farms.”
COMBAR is a COST Action that brings together a multi-disciplinary blend of scientists to find solutions for anthelmintic resistance in ruminants. COMBAR aims to integrate knowledge and approaches from (i) diagnostics; (ii) vaccines; (iii) anti-parasitic forages, (iv) selective treatment strategies and (iv) decision support tools to make worm control sustainable. By evaluating those novel technologies and assessing their economic trade-offs and barriers to uptake in a European coordinated approach, COMBAR will tackle AR.
Vetstream’s services, grouped under ‘Treat, Learn, Communicate, include:
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Vetlexicon is the world’s largest online clinical veterinary reference tool, offering comprehensive, peer-reviewed digital point-of-care information on the veterinary treatments of dogs, cats, rabbits and horses. Accessible 24/7 on any internet-enabled device, it is a unique expert resource available to practices, which is trusted, updated and reviewed by more than 900 of the world’s leading veterinarians.
Vetstream is a Global Educational Partner and Communications Partner of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), a global community of 104 member associations and more than 200,000 individual veterinarians.
‘Learn’ via Vetacademy
Vetacademy is Vetstream’s user-friendly online platform, providing the whole practice team with the ability to search and select from more than 300 courses from the world’s leading training and CPD providers, including the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Medicine, the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) and Elsevier, all brought together in one place.
‘Communicate’ via Webpartner
Vetstream’s Webpartner offers a suite of website management services and licensing the Vetlexicon owner information onto third party websites services designed specifically for the veterinary profession.
For further information:
Vetstream | COMBAR |
Mark Johnston MA VetMB PhD MRCVS Vetstream Ltd, Three Hills Farm, Bartlow, Cambridge, CB2 4EN, UK Tel: +44 (0)7778 2190000 Mark.johnston@vetstream.com | Johannes Charlier DVM, PhD, Diplomate EVPC KREAVET Hendrik Mertensstraat 17, 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium info@kreavet.com |
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