BVNA launches 2-month campaign to raise awareness about chronic illness and conditions among veterinary nurses
The BVNA launches the Chronic Illness Campaign [CIC] on 1st August. Driven by Alex Taylor, Junior Vice President of BVNA, this campaign aims to create a better working environment for, and a better understanding of the challenges faced by, veterinary nurses who suffer from a chronic illness or condition.
BVNA gathered important evidence as part of the background research for the campaign. A survey was completed by almost 1,000 veterinary nurses and the outcomes have helped to formulate the structure, content and delivery of the CIC. An infographic that maps some of the survey outcomes and the route of the CIC has been produced.
During August and September, as well as podcasts, online information, and articles in the VNJ, there is a series of four webinars taking place:
Resilience for life with a chronic illness or condition – Thursday, 19 August 2021 7.30pm
Chronic illness and communicating what you need – Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7.30pm
Chronic Illness, VNs & the Equality Act at Work – Tuesday, 21 September 2021 7.30pm
All webinars are free to attend. They will be recorded and be included in the free Tool Kit on the BVNA website at the end of September.
At the end of the CIC, BVNA will invite veterinary practices to make use of a new digital tool kit, designed to support practices to develop protocols that help veterinary nurses suffering with a chronic illness or condition.
Alex Taylor BVNA Junior Vice President says
‘This campaign means a great deal to myself and the rest of the Council Members who are part of the BVNA chronic illness campaign task and finish group. Every one of us has had to deal with our own challenges as working as a veterinary nurse with a chronic illness or condition – we know how it feels and we want to help and make a real difference to people’s lives. As well as offering support to affected nurses, we also wanted to reach out to their colleagues, line managers and employers. We felt that having empathetic, supportive and well-informed colleagues is a key part of helping those affected by chronic illness to thrive in the workplace. Everyone deserves to be given the chance to reach their full potential in their job role and having a chronic illness should not be a barrier to achieving this. This campaign will not only raise awareness, but provide essential resources to those who need it, which after seeing the results of our recent survey, is very much needed’

BVNA President Jo Oakden says
‘The response to our survey demonstrates the huge demand for support within our profession. A fantastic BVNA council team – Led by Alex Taylor JVP – have worked so hard to put together this campaign to support our members and the wider profession. There are a fantastic number of resources in varying media being produced to reach everyone. We hope this helps you with your team or personally in improving the working environment and understanding difficulties faced by those suffering from a chronic condition.’

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