HTVET, an Israeli company which has produced a skin cancer screening device for dogs using Heat Diffusion Imaging technology, has opened its first UK subsidiary company HT Vista Ltd. in London. Veterinary surgeons and vet nurses are being invited to meet its new UK team and get hands on with the HT Vista non-invasive cancer screening tool at BSAVA Congress on stand B302&B303.
The company has appointed Liron Levy-Hirsch MRCVS as Managing Director. Liron has been practising emergency and critical care for over 12 years in leadership and clinical roles. HT Vista UK has also recruited a dedicated team to offer extensive support and education to vets and vet nurses.

Co-founder and CEO, Shani Toledano, says “We are very excited about our first subsidiary. Our device is being distributed and used globally but we have chosen the UK to be our first base outside Israel due to the exceptional levels of veterinary care that are practised here. We are thrilled to welcome Liron onboard to lead the UK team. He is a highly experienced vet with an in-depth knowledge of the UK veterinary industry.”
The HT Vista device is the first non-invasive cancer screening tool assisting in the early detection of skin masses. It is estimated that about 50% of all dogs over 10 years of age will develop cancer and around a third of those are cutaneous masses.* The tool offers a way to screen those masses to identify which are benign and likely require no further treatment or those that should prompt further and more invasive investigative procedures such as fine needle aspirate (FNA).
Generally FNA is used as a follow up in around 40% of screened animals.** From the pet owner’s point of view this means that more invasive procedures are only required when there is a specific indication of potential risk. Results of the HT Vista scan are available in minutes, providing prompt reassurance for the client and allowing the clinician to benefit from additional information for confident decision making.
Liron explains “We know that cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs over ten years old and that early detection is key to saving lives. HT Vista enables non-invasive, real-time screening of dermal masses at the point of care. It improves owner compliance and offers a simple, safe and accurate screening with the potential to save lives. I look forward to supporting veterinary professionals to incorporate this innovative technology into their clinics.”
The HT Vista device uses Heat Diffusion Imaging technology alongside an artificial intelligence-based algorithm, computer vision and signal analysis. It detects the different heat transfer rates of benign and suspicious tissue to accurately determine if a dermal or sub-dermal mass is benign or requires further investigation.
HT Vista is celebrating its launch at BSAVA Congress in March with an opportunity to see a demo. Veterinary professionals can also book a free demo at their practice at http://bit.ly/3YVEo9Y
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