During the current very challenging circumstances, the veterinary profession is experiencing unprecedented change. Part of the challenge is communicating to clients how veterinary work has changed during the lockdown period.
To support this, the RCVS have produced a range of digital resources for you to download and use to help your clients understand your new ways of working and what they can (and can’t) expect from your team during lockdown.
There are Facebook graphic ‘cards’ for you to download and share with your clients on your Facebook page, which cover the following key messages:
The amended opening times* for your practice
Instructions for clients to call the practice first and not turn up in person
Remote prescribing
The fact your practice is adhering to government guidance on social distancing
There is also a print-ready poster for you to use in your practice for the benefit of those clients who you might still see face to face.
These digital resources include both the RCVS logo and the hashtag #StayHomeSaveLives, to reinforce the fact the messages reflect government guidance and RCVS advice.
The resources are in line with current government guidance so carry a date stamp, but will be updated as and when this advice changes. The RCVS hope they are helpful during this uncertain time.
To find out more and download the free resources, please visit
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