Nutrition: An Evidence Based Approach for Veterinary Nurses 10-Hour CPD
1st September 2022 - 6th December 2030
There are so many varying opinions, so much information out there, so many diets available it can be daunting and difficult to know where to start. Build your confidence with this evidence based approach to patient nutrition.
Who is this course for?
Is this course for me?
‘Good nutrition enhances pets’ quality and quantity of life’.
Whatever the species we should be making nutritional decisions and giving advice based on scientific evidence as we would do with surgery options or when prescribing medication.
WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) believe that optimal nutrition should be assessed as the 5th vital sign after temperature, pulse, respiration, and pain.
There are so many varying opinions, so much information out there, so many diets available it can be daunting and difficult to know where to start.
Don’t feel you need to know everything!
The great thing about nutrition is that you can build your nutritional knowledge patient by patient.
Rebecca is an RVN with extensive knowledge on evidence-based nutrition of all species and hopes this course will inspire a confidence in you to be able to offer nutritional advice and add to the many talents you already have as a veterinary nurse.
Take a look below at the extensive information provided within this CPD.
All our courses include small bitesize videos with an accompanying workbook, so you don’t have to write a single word (unless you want an excuse to get your stationary out 😉)
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