The Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) Sarah Brown Research Grant has (17 January) opened up its applications for 2022’s funding. Awarded once a year since 2019, the £20,000 grant has already funded four projects that carried out innovative research into a range of mental health areas including neurodiversity, wellbeing amongst isolated farm vets, the impact of racism on mental health, and how moral injury can impact wellbeing. The latter two projects were both awarded the grant in 2020, after the judges found it impossible to pick between the two very impressive applications.
The grant was set up in memory of vet, RCVS Council member and mental health campaigner Sarah Brown and is an opportunity for mental health researchers at any stage of their career to apply for research funding. Applications on any area of veterinary mental health are welcome. However, particular interest will be shown to research projects that cover the MMI’s key areas of focus for their 2022 – 2027 strategy which include:
- Students and new graduates
- The veterinary nursing profession
- Equality, diversity, inclusion, civility
- Beyond mental health awareness
- Leadership
As well as receiving funding for their research, previous winners have had opportunities to present their findings at conferences, including the MMI Symposium, and received support from the MMI and the RCVS to help promote their study and recruit volunteers.
Lisa Quigley, Mind Matters Initiative Manager said: “We’re delighted to launch the Sarah Brown Research Grant funding applications for 2022. The grant is now in its fourth year and has been awarded in previous years to some incredible research projects, which have been led by passionate and talented researchers.
“I would encourage anyone with a mental health research idea, including students and those who are just starting out in their research careers to apply for the funding, as we will be judging applications based on their quality, originality and relevance to the profession rather than how much research experience the applicants have. Applications will be anonymised, so the judging panel won’t be able to see the applicant’s affiliations, prior publications or professional seniority.”
Over the coming weeks, MMI will be putting together and sharing resources to help applicants put together their proposals. These will include online guides, webinars and events on best practice, ethics and methodology in mental health research.
Anyone who would like to apply for the 2022 Sarah Brown Mental Health Research Grant will need to send a research proposal of no more than two pages to Lisa Quigley on l.quigley@rcvs.org.uk by 5pm on Friday 20 May 2022. There is more information about the Sarah Brown Research Grant, how to apply and support with putting together an application on www.vetmindmatters.org/sarah-brown-mental-health-research-grants/
All applications will ideally include existing literature and background, hypothesis (or research questions for qualitative proposals), methods, analysis, proposed timeline, budget allocation, ethical considerations and dissemination.
The winning application will be announced the week commencing 13 June and formally awarded at the RCVS Honours & Awards ceremony on Friday 8 July.
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