Anaesthetic Monitoring
OnlineCourse Overview Monitoring anaesthetised patients is one of the most crucial aspects of veterinary anaesthesia. This course will be suitable for nurses and vets who [...]
Fluid Cytology for General Practice
OnlineCourse Overview This comprehensive course will give you all the information you need for collection, handling and cytological examination of body fluids in dogs and [...]
Emergency/Critical Care: VNs – Part 1
OnlineCourse Overview This course will look at dealing with the presentation of emergency patient and how we can accurately assess and prioritise treatment for patients, [...]
Hepatobiliary Disease
OnlineCourse Overview Patients with liver and biliary disease are common, often emergency, presentations in general practice. Cases can be challenging to investigate and treatment is [...]
Mast Cell Tumours in Dogs
OnlineCourse Overview Mast cell tumours (MCTs) represent the most common cutaneous neoplasia in dogs. MCTs can be very aggressive requiring additional treatment after surgery. This [...]
Small Animal Ophthalmology
OnlineCourse Overview Ophthalmic conditions are a common presentation in small animal practice. There is a tendency to fear the unknown, so it is important to [...]
Emergencies in Toxicology
OnlineCourse Overview Toxin exposures are common small animal emergencies. Focus will be on having a systematic approach to general toxin exposures, in addition to taking [...]
Wound Management in Dogs and Cats
OnlineCourse Overview This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for wound management through all stages; from initial presentation and assessment of the traumatic [...]