Purina is offering a two session webinar series on feline renal care to vets and nurses across Europe with the aim of providing practical information to help manage these difficult cases, focusing on the importance of early diagnosis. The webinars take place on 7th and 28th June at 8pm (CEST) or 7pm (British Summer Time) and can be accessed by registering at https://purinaproplan-webinarseries.vfairs.com/. Led by internationally recognised feline medicine experts, Dr Tommaso Furlanello PhD ECVCP Dip and Dr Sarah Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS, the sessions will centre on the challenges of prompt diagnosis and management in the early phase of the disease.
Attracting two hours of CPD credits, the webinar series begins on 7th June when Dr Furlanello will address early diagnosis of feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) and recognition and management of its complications. Dr Caney’s talk on 28th June will focus on supporting and communicating with cat owners around early diagnosis and achieving optimal long-term management.
The webinars have been organised for the veterinary community by Nestlé Purina PetCare Europe to continue to raise awareness of feline CKD which affects 1 out of 3 cats over the age of 10.1 This is an irreversible and progressive disease and even if they are ‘every day’ cases, complications appearing at later stages can be extremely challenging to manage. Early detection through regular screening of older cats plays an important role and allows veterinarians to provide adequate support for both patients and owners from the start. This webinar series aims to provide some key insights for vets and vet nurses looking to provide excellent care in these crucial early stages to help slow down the progression of disease and improve the quality of life of their patients.The webinars will be available to watch live or as a recording after the event. Those attending the live sessions will have an unrivalled opportunity to draw on the extensive experience of veterinary specialists Dr Furlanello and Dr Caney and ask questions about their cases or commonly encountered problems. The events are open to anyone in veterinary teams across Europe involved in the care of these feline patients and are free to attend, with registration available at https://purinaproplan-webinarseries.vfairs.com.
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