New survey reveals 72% of public want more legislation to protect animals – Queen’s Speech will be acid test on whether Government is truly committed to the animal welfare promises it has made
The RSPCA is urging the Government to stop delaying legislation that would ban cruel foie gras and fur imports, as a new poll1 reveals that the majority of the UK (72%) want more laws to protect animals.
Ahead of the Queen’s Speech, animal welfare organisations have demonstrated outside Parliament for a ‘Better Deal for Animals’ amid fears that the Government will drop the Animals Abroad Bill from forthcoming legislation and continue to ‘outsource’ cruelty by not banning the import of products suchs as foie gras and fur.
RSPCA Director of Policy & Communications Emma Slawinski said: “The Queen’s Speech will be an acid test of the Government’s true commitment to honouring the animal welfare pledges it has made to the public. Announcing a ban on foie gras and fur imports as part of the Animals Abroad Bill on May 10 would be a good start and would be a strong signal from the Government that it intends to keep its word on other animal welfare legislation in the future.
“The Government’s foot-dragging over the Animals Abroad Bill has been shameful, particularly in light of the new research showing such huge public appetite for legislation to protect animals. The Queen’s Speech is an opportunity for the Government to demonstrate that rather than outsourcing animal cruelty, it really is committed to a better deal for animals. The production of both foie gras and fur causes suffering to animals and as long as the Government continues to allow these goods to be imported into this country, the UK is complicit in these cruel trades.
“We are hugely disappointed that the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill is delayed and will not feature in the Queen’s Speech, though at least it has been agreed that the bill will be carried over into the next parliamentary session. However, time is of the essence and we will be watching the Kept Animals Bill’s progress closely to ensure it is given priority so that practices such as the live exports of animals for slaughter, keeping primates as pets and the cruel puppy import trade become consigned to history as soon as possible.“
It has been agreed that the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill will be carried over into the next Parliamentary session.
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