The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has been awarded a silver-level accreditation for the continued improvement of its sustainability performance, by Investors in the Environment (iiE).
This certification, achieved less than a year after BVA gained the bronze-level accreditation, recognises how the organisation has been working towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of working. This has included updating and expanding its environmental policy, bringing in a carbon footprint calculator and sustainable travel policy, and various projects such as tree planting with the National Trust.
BVA has also built on measures which were implemented at its headquarters in Mansfield Street, London last year – such as the use of green cleaning products, reduction of paper use, and increased use of green suppliers – by hosting green inductions for all staff, creating a comprehensive waste and recycling management plan and increasing green communications to staff.
In addition, BVA has its own in-house “green team” which reports quarterly to senior management and has increased staff communication.
BVA Chief Executive David Calpin said:
“We are thrilled to have achieved this accreditation, it is testament to the hard work and commitment of our staff including our excellent facilities team and enthusiastic staff ‘green team’ who have led on this work.
“We hope to lead by example and inspire others within the profession to take the initiative and follow in our footsteps. Taking measures such as these is not only good for the environment, but it can also help workplaces to attract and retain staff. We know from our regular Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey that vets are increasingly taking into account how workplaces approach sustainability when looking for a new role.
“We are proud of this achievement and will continue to work towards further reducing our impact on the environment and become more sustainable, with the aim of achieving iiE’s top ‘Green’ accreditation in the future.”
BVA President Justine Shotton said:
“This is a fantastic achievement, which chimes very closely with my presidential theme, ‘Sustainability’. I’m really proud to be part of an organisation that recognises the importance of doing its bit to protect the planet, as well as leading by example and inspiring others across the veterinary community to do the same.”

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