Molly Varga Smith, RCVS recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and Veterinary Advisor to Supreme Petfoods, will be giving a talk on rabbit dentistry at the 2021 London Vet Show on the 11th of November. Sponsored by Supreme Petfoods, the presentation will be co-delivered by Molly’s colleague, Craig Tessyman, who works alongside Molly as an exotic specialist nurse at Rutland House Veterinary Referrals. The talk will explain how vets and nurses can work together to improve the management of rabbit dental disease, and will include useful information on how to perform a dental physical exam as well as diagnostic and treatment techniques.
“Dental issues are a frequently occurring problem in rabbits, and yet rabbit dentistry is something that many first opinion vets and nurses don’t feel particularly confident with,” explains Molly, “Because of this, Craig and I have put together a presentation to give a thorough overview of dental disease in rabbits, from initial examination to appropriate treatment options. Our goal is to provide useful information to vets and nurses based on the knowledge and experience we have acquired in practice.”

Molly has worked in small animal and exotic medicine in both the UK and Canada, and so has a wealth of experience working with a wide variety of exotic animals and holds both a Certificate and Diploma in Zoological Medicine. Molly currently heads the Exotics Service at Rutland House Referral Centre and has a particular interest in rabbit medicine and surgery, having contributed to several BSAVA manuals on rabbits and other exotic species, as well as working to revise and update the Textbook of Rabbit Medicine.
“We have entitled our talk “Rabbit Dentistry – It Takes Two” to emphasise the fact that members of the veterinary team need to work together in order complete rabbit dentals to a high standard,” says Molly. “Because rabbit dentistry can be challenging, we are keen to support vets and nurses to develop the appropriate knowledge and skills required to diagnose and treat dental conditions effectively, thereby reducing the risk of future problems and complications.”
The presentation will cover the causes and symptoms of dental disease, rabbit dental anatomy, the mechanism of chewing and how this can affect dentition. The talk will also discuss the steps and skills involved in performing a rabbit dental, including catheter placement, anaesthetic monitoring and dental radiography positioning. Vets who attend the presentation will also be able to improve their confidence and skills within rabbit dentistry, as Molly and Craig will be covering techniques for incisor and cheek tooth removal, as well as post-operative care, including how to score and manage post-operative pain in rabbits.
Claire Hamblion, Marketing Director at Supreme Petfoods, says that the company is proud to support the talk: “Molly’s expertise as a Veterinary Advisor for Supreme is invaluable to us. We are so lucky to have an exotics specialist on the team, and we’re delighted to be able to help her share her knowledge with fellow veterinary professionals. Molly has decades of experience, and a real passion for exotics, so her presentation will be extremely valuable CPD for those in attendance.” Supreme will also provide a recording of the live talk for reference and for those who are unable to attend the presentation in person.
The talk counts for 1 hour of CPD and will be held on 11th November at 12:30pm. More information is available here: https://london.vetshow.com/conference-programme-2020/rabbit-dentistry-it-takes-two
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