Personal Development Bundle
OnlineBundles of modules are available at a 20% discount from list price. The Personal development bundle includes: Confidence Dealing With Stress Decision Making How to Plan Your [...]
Managing Change Bundle
OnlineBundles of modules are available at a 20% discount from list price. The Managing Change bundle includes: Challenging the Status Quo Experiencing Change Making the Change Seeing [...]
Literacy Skills Bundle
OnlineBundles of modules are available at a 20% discount from list price. The Literacy skills bundle includes: Preparing The Report Spelling & Punctuation The English Sentence Writing [...]
Customer Service Bundle
OnlineBundles of modules are available at a 20% discount from list price. The Customer service bundle includes: Approaching New Customers Brand & Reputation Email Etiquette Handling Complaints [...]
Health and Safety Bundle
OnlineBundles of modules are available at a 20% discount from list price. The Health and safety bundle includes: Display Screen Equipment Electricity Fire First Aid Health & [...]
Working in Teams
OnlineThis module looks at the different types of teams, both short-term and long-term. For the best chance of success teams should set clear, defined objectives, [...]
Unconscious Bias
OnlineUnconscious bias is when you either favour or discriminate against one group, or person, without being aware of your actions. This module will help you [...]
Training for Non-Trainers
OnlineEmployees are often required to learn new skills. You don’t have to be a professional trainer to deliver a lesson. This module will look at [...]
Thriving in Change
OnlineIt is important to understand the potential effects that change can have on your team and organisation. This module will explore the five main forces [...]
The Need for Strategy
OnlineDifferent organisations have different cultures, a system of shared values and beliefs that establish an organisational way of life. It’s important to analyse the organisational [...]
Problem Solving
OnlineWhen someone, or something, is not performing as expected then a problem exists that needs to be solved. This module explores the P.A.I.D method of [...]
Presenting Data
OnlineA key skill for any employee is the ability to present raw data and use it to persuade audiences. This module will explore the different [...]
Data Protection UK
OnlineThis course follows a day in the life of a corporate professional who makes a series of data protection errors. As you follow the series [...]
Building Healthy Boundaries
OnlineHealthy boundaries are important to our physical and emotional health. So, setting healthy boundaries can help prevent you from doing things that you don’t enjoy [...]
OnlineEndometriosis is a medical condition which impacts many people. The condition can force employees into feeling like they need to reduce the work they do [...]
Company Culture
OnlineCompany culture refers to the working environment created by an organisation, and the relationship that employees have with the organisation as a result. In this [...]
How to Form and Mobilise a New Team
OnlineAll leaders and employees want to be part of a high-performing team and team dynamics are vital to the overall success of an organisation. How [...]
Psychological Safety
OnlineEnsuring that your organisation has good psychological safety is vital to its success and making sure you have high-performing teams. In our psychological safety module, [...]