Free webinar from the Purina Institute with speakers Dr Jennifer Larsen and Dr Aarti Kathrani
The Purina Institute will share the latest insights into the nutritional management of complex medical cases, in a free webinar on Wednesday, 12 July. Led by internationally recognised experts Aarti Kathrani, BVetMed, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM, Nutrition), FHEA, and Jennifer Larsen, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM (Nutrition), the presentation will focus on how veterinarians in general practice can manage nutritional recommendations for patients that have two or more health conditions with competing or overlapping nutritional needs. The event, which counts for one hour of free CPD, will run from 12 pm CDT (7 pm CEST) and interested vets and vet nurses can sign up for the event at nes.tl/PIComorbiditiesWebinar2023

During the webinar, Dr Larsen and Dr Kathrani will share practical insights into making effective clinical decisions when selecting diets for patients with multiple conditions and reflect on how this can support the management of these cases. They will explore scenarios where the optimal diet for one condition may not be suitable for another concurrent condition. The speakers will also address how nutrition and feeding management can be modified to ensure medication delivery without compromising therapeutic efficacy.
The rise in canine and feline patients with complex comorbidities poses significant challenges in veterinary medicine. Obesity, the most common nutritional disease in dogs,1 is increasing in prevalence, with recent data revealing that veterinary professionals estimate 46 percent of dogs are overweight or obese. 2 Obesity is often accompanied by various comorbidities, including orthopaedic disorders, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, insulin resistance and certain types of neoplasia. Selecting an appropriate diet for these patients requires prioritising disease conditions and identifying nutrient modifications acceptable for all factors involved in the pet’s health.
The webinar will also address the issue of pet owners seeking non-veterinary recommendations or relying on internet research for dietary advice. With 78.6 percent of pet owners sourcing pet health information online and diet and nutrition one of the most commonly searched pet health topics,3 Dr Larsen and Dr Kathrani will equip veterinarians with the tools to effectively respond to pet owner requests, while also addressing the complex nutritional needs of their patients.
Dr Larsen is Professor of Clinical Nutrition at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) School of Veterinary Medicine and, as a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition, brings extensive expertise to the field. As Chief of Service at UC Davis, she provides clinical nutritional consulting through their Nutrition Support Service. Her research focuses on the clinical nutrition of dogs and cats, nutrient bioavailability and amino acid nutrition.
Dr Kathrani, diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition, is a senior lecturer in small animal internal medicine at the Royal Veterinary College. Her wide-ranging publications and research interests include the therapeutic role of diet in canine and feline gastrointestinal disease.
Daniel Rodes Moltó of the Purina Institute acknowledges the complexities involved in managing patients with multiple conditions.
“We’re delighted to be able to support vets in practice with this opportunity for high quality, free CPD,” he states. “Attendees will have an unrivalled opportunity to draw on the specialist knowledge of Dr Larsen and Dr Kathrani, along with the chance to ask questions about how nutrition can enhance the management of patients with comorbidities, ultimately improving their quality of life.”
All those interested are encouraged to sign up at nes.tl/PIComorbiditiesWebinar2023.
- Marchi, P.H., Vendramini T.H.A., Perini, M.P., Zafalon, R.V.A., Amaral, A.R., Ochamotto, V.A., Da Silveira, J.C., Dagli, M.L.Z. and Brunetto, M.A. (2022) Obesity, inflammation, and cancer in dogs: Review and perspectives. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1004122.
- The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). (2023) The PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report.
- Kogan, L., Oxley, J.A., Hellyer, P., & Schoenfeld, R., & Rishniw, M. (2018). UK pet owners’ use of the internet for online pet health information. Veterinary Record, 182(21), 601.
About the Purina Institute
At the Purina Institute, we believe science is more powerful when it’s shared. That’s why we’re on a mission to unlock the power of nutrition to help pets live better, longer lives. A global professional organization, the Purina Institute shares Purina’s leading-edge research, as well as evidence-based information from the wider scientific community, in an accessible, actionable way so veterinary professionals are empowered to put nutrition at the forefront of pet health discussions to further improve and extend the healthy lives of pets through nutrition.
To learn more, visit PurinaInstitute.com.
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