Tutored by Susanna Solbak Cand.med.vet DipACVECC DipECVECC MRCVS, this two-part course will cover how to approach any toxin exposure in small animal practice. It will also provide delegates with a comprehensive overview on how to recognise and manage the most common toxins encountered. Some modules will be based on symptoms and organ systems affected, while others will focus on specific common toxins. The reason the courses have start and end dates is that this is when the course is being run by the course tutor. During these times the tutor is on-hand to answer your queries – making our courses both fairly unique and very popular.
Part 1 (running from 6-26 July) focuses on: Toxin ingestion – a general approach; Antidotes; Tremorogenic toxins; Hepatotoxins; Renal toxins; Cardiotoxins; Illicit drugs.
Part 2 (running from 10-30 August) focuses on: Paracetamol; Rodenticides; Ethylene glycol; Chocolate and other methylxantines; Calcium channel and b-blockers; Serotonin syndrome; Methemoglobinemia.
Each course costs £139 + VAT, but delegates purchasing both parts can save 10% with online booking code: MULTISAVE. The course is aimed at both Vets and Nurses.
For further information or to book places, visit: https://bit.ly/2Y1QtOd, Email: contact@vetcpd.co.uk or call 01225 445561.
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