Celebrated infectious disease specialist Professor Joe Brownlie CBE has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at the British Veterinary Association (BVA) Members’ Day at Clare College, University of Cambridge on Thursday 29 September.
In his speech, ‘The Veterinary profession – how sustainable is our future?’, Professor Brownlie will discuss the vital importance of sustainability in the profession and its wider impacts on UK food safety and, in turn, the UK economy. The keynote will also highlight new and emerging diseases, including zoonotic disease, and what contribution the profession can have in safeguarding against such risks, now and in the future.

Professor Brownlie, who was once awarded BVA’s Centenary Award for a paper on the pathogenesis of mucosal disease in cattle, said: “I am honoured to be asked by our wonderful President Justine, to give the Keynote speech on our BVA Members’ Day. The subject of sustainability is both hugely important and vast in scope. In my short address, I will look at our future opportunities, responsibilities and capability to control infectious diseases.”
Professor Brownlie is Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Pathology with the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) as well as Director of the Southern African Centre Infectious Diseases and Surveillance. A Bristol Veterinary School graduate, much of his 50+ year career has been dedicated to researching infectious disease, in particular Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD). His work in the field has helped develop a BVD vaccine which is now protecting cattle.
Professor Browlie has also conducted important research into exotic and emerging diseases such as Foot and Mouth, Bluetounge, Rinderpest and Schmallenbergy virus. These diseases represent a major threat to human and animal health and it is vital that vets play a key role in tackling them.
Professor Brownlie is actively encouraging more young veterinary graduates into research careers, establishing a pioneering degree course in Veterinary Pathology at the RVC.
BVA President Justine Shotton said: “Professor Brownlie’s vital work in the field of infectious disease research is an inspiration and it’s a real privilege to welcome him as the keynote speaker at this year’s British Veterinary Association Members’ Day.
“I’m passionate about sustainability, which has been the focus of my presidential year, and so I’m particularly looking forward to hearing his perspective on the role the veterinary profession in driving forward positive change. This is sure to be a highlight for many attendees.”
The annual BVA Members’ Day celebrates the achievements of the veterinary profession and includes a prestigious awards ceremony. Awards are given in recognition of the various ways BVA members contribute to the advancement of the profession.
BVA’s AGM will also be held on the day, during which the new BVA officer team will be elected.
Tickets for BVA Members’ Day 2022 are free to members but must be booked in advance by Thursday 22 September 2022 as places are limited. Visit www.bva.co.uk/about-us/our-events/ to book.
It’s not too late to become a member and attend BVA Member’s Day 2022. To find out more about joining BVA, visit www.bva.co.uk/join/.
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