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Anaesthetic Monitoring


Course Overview Monitoring anaesthetised patients is one of the most crucial aspects of veterinary anaesthesia. This course will be suitable for nurses and vets who [...]


Psittacine and Passerine Birds


Course Overview The aim of the online modular course is to discuss identification of the common (and not so common) psittacine and passerine birds seen [...]


Rabbit Clinical Care Refresher


Course Overview This course explores topics such as anaesthesia and peri-operative care, surgery (neutering, urinary and GI tract surgery, abscess treatment, ear surgery, dentistry), critical [...]


Diabetes in Cats and Dogs


Course Overview This course will cover pathophysiology and aetiology of diabetes mellitus in cats and dogs, its diagnosis, management and monitoring, and address the handling [...]


Common Cancers in Cats


Course Overview Common cancers in cats show important differences in presentation, prognosis and treatment with dogs. This course will prepare you for feline owners’ increasing [...]


Sepsis in Dogs and Cats


Course Overview Recognising and reacting to the early signs and symptoms of sepsis can increase the rates of survival to discharge. Emphasis on early staging [...]


Emergencies in Toxicology


Course Overview Toxin exposures are common small animal emergencies. Focus will be on having a systematic approach to general toxin exposures, in addition to taking [...]


Wound Management in Dogs and Cats


Course Overview This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for wound management through all stages; from initial presentation and assessment of the traumatic [...]
