Approach to Common Veterinary Procedures 7-Hours CPD
21st July 2021 - 22nd October 2032
The aim of this course is to empower you in understanding the patients behind the labels and to understand the ‘why’, whether it be fear, anxiety or stress.
Who is this course for?
Is this course for me?
We have all been there, that patient that you just cling onto for the sake of getting the procedure done and the patient home as soon as possible!
If our patient is more relaxed, they are more compliant. This means that we can get a better physical exam, we get more accurate results, we can perform more diagnostics and we can give more treatment!
To give you an idea of how widespread an issue this is, 64% of dogs and 73% of cats display stress when in the waiting room at the vets.
Before we have even put a hand on them that is a massive percentage of pets that are stressed. In the consult room, these figures increase to 78% of dogs and 85% of cats showing fear, stress, anxiety and even aggression.
How accurate do you think the results of a physical examination will be?
Kate Divers, your tutor for this course is an experienced RVN and Elite Level 3 Fear Free Veterinary Professional and she will empower you throughout this course in understanding your patients behind the labels and to fully understand the ‘why’, whether it be fear, anxiety or stress.
You will have the knowledge to be able to make a real difference to your patient’s welfare and lead the way in making a change in how ‘problem’ patients are handled in your practice.
One of the key things to note is that it does not simply come down to patient mental health, but also staff welfare.
Dealing with patients who are a ‘problem’ has a drastic impact on job satisfaction and staff confidence. This can have a marked impact on mental health, burnout and staff retention.
So, If you’re ready to learn practical tips on how to take the ‘Pet’ out of ‘Petrified’ then this course is most definitely for you…
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